  1. Wedding Photography Packages
  2. Finding the Right Balance of Services
  3. Knowing What to Charge Extra For

Knowing What to Charge Extra For

Learn what factors to consider when deciding what services to include in your wedding photography packages and what services to charge extra for.

Knowing What to Charge Extra For

When planning a wedding, it's important to know what to charge extra for. From photography packages to other services, finding the right balance of what to include and what to charge for can be a challenge. In this article, we'll provide some guidance on how to make sure you're getting the best value for your money when it comes to wedding photography packages. We'll discuss how to determine the right balance between services and pricing, and provide tips on how to get the most out of your wedding photography package. Whether you're a professional photographer or just starting out in the business, this article will help you understand what to charge extra for and how to make sure you're getting the best value for your money.

When creating your packages,

start by understanding your target customer. What services are they likely to find most valuable? What do they expect from a wedding photographer? Based on this, you can decide which services you should include in the basic package and which services should be charged extra.

For example, if you find that most of your clients prefer prints or albums, you may want to include these in the base package. On the other hand, if you find that many of your clients don't require physical prints, then offering these as an extra service can help you increase your profits.

It's also important to consider the cost of the extra services you offer.

It's often tempting to charge more than the cost of the service, but it's important to keep prices reasonable so that clients don't feel like they're being taken advantage of. Additionally, consider bundling some services together so that clients can get a better deal if they buy several services at once.

You should also consider the impact that offering extra services could have on your workflow.

If you're already offering a wide range of services in your basic package, it's important to make sure that adding more services won't overwhelm you or slow down your workflow. Consider how much time each service will take and whether adding more services is feasible given your current workload.


When deciding what services to include in your wedding photography packages and what services to charge extra for, it's important to consider your target customer, the cost of the extra services, and the impact that offering those services could have on your workflow.

By carefully considering these factors, you can create packages that are attractive to customers and maximize your profits. When creating wedding photography packages, it's important to strike the right balance between services you offer and those you charge extra for.

Knowing what to charge extra for

can help you maximize your profits while still providing an attractive package to your clients. When deciding what services to include in your wedding photography packages and what to charge extra for, it's important to take into account both the value these services will bring to customers and the impact they could have on your workflow.

Knowing what to charge extra for

can help you create packages that are attractive to customers and maximize your profits.

Ava Vizarro
Ava Vizarro

Infuriatingly humble music ninja. Hipster-friendly zombie advocate. Freelance tv lover. Incurable zombie scholar. Passionate travel junkie. Amateur web practitioner.

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